Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Getting a little bumpy

OK, I knew it was coming and yesterday afternoon things got a little bumpy on me. After not really getting sick all week, yesterday I was sick 4 times and felt like hell from afternoon to night.

It's been nice having the time before this, and I'm ready for the bumpy ride ahead. May it be short.

Thanks, everyone. For the thoughts and prayers. I can't tell you how much I need them.


Anonymous said...

West View Road was a little bumpy. It is now paved. Here is hoping that your "bumpy" will soon be paved.

WILLIAM said...

Stay strong my friend.

Nancy Barber said...

Hang in there Dave. The bumps in the road will smooth out and soon you'll be flying up and down in your cobra.
Love & Hugs.Nancy

Anonymous said...

Hey! One of my elderly patients told me a joke today. It made me laugh as I am not tall... er, OK, short. So in an attempt to add some levity to your probably difficult week I will repeat it.
There were two dwarfs working in the muddy field harvesting leeks. One of the dwarfs said to the other dwarf,'gee, my bum really hurts'
Later she was still complaining that her bottom hurt. So her friend took her to the doctor.
'Doctor, My bum hurts something awful. Can you have look and see what is wrong?'
'Sure, let's get you on the exam table...
'I think I can see what the problem is. I will have to remove a bit here and there, Is that alright?'
'Doctor, you do what you need to do.'
The doctor adjusted the exam light and began cutting with his scalpel.
In 5 minutes the doctor had completed the required procedure.
'I think that is all that is needed. You can get down now.'
'Doctor, you are a genius! That pain has completely gone. What did you remove?'
'Two inches off the top of your Wellingtons!'

Thinking about you!

Dave Cole said...

Very funny, Melinda.

Nancy Barber said...

Hi Dave
Just wanted you to know you're in my thoughts, my heart and my prayers. Hope things are starting to get a little less bumpy. Hang in there!!
The healing will begin and once it does, knowing you, it will be full speed ahead.
Love & Hugs.....Nancy

Anonymous said...

Glad you are still fighting the fight and staying positive. I have been following your blog weekly and you ARE an inspiration!

Hang in there!

-sister of el grande

Darlene said...

Praying for you during this time. May God make Himself real to you in a special way.