Thursday, March 6, 2008

Recovery Doldrums

It's been such a great while since I posted. Why? Because I've been sort of stuck in the recovery doldrums, standing still it seems. I feel about the same as I did a week ago, and still get sick every so often . . . but feel better than last time. I was sort of hoping I'd be more recovered at this point, but it hasn't been a month yet.

My doctor's visit with Sherman went fine. The big news there is that they took a blood test to check the EBV levels in my DNA. It's a test that gets sent to Hong Kong for analysis. Remember nasopharyngeal cancer is epidemic in South China. so treatment and research is quite advanced there. This DNA test will actually be more predictive than PET/CT or MRI in determining whether or not they truly wiped out my cancer and what the chances of it's return are. So, I'm eager for my April visit to see my results . . . and praying they are good news.

My mom went home last week, leaving me in the care of dear old dad. He's gonig a good job of subbing for mom . . . but there's really no substitute for my mom.


Anonymous said...

I have been actively keeping up on your progress through your blogs. It sounds like this period is so difficult for you. You have done such a admirable job of fighting your cancer. Too bad that now you have to play the waiting game for the analysis. You seem like you are surrounded by such a large group of family and friends who are supportively praying for your results to be in your favor and your return to good health. There are also those of us you don't know who are doing the same. You have handled every up and down with grace and dignity. You are an inspiration! I am looking forward to your post which talks about cancer as a distant memory. p.s. As a mom myself, I know there is no one and nothing like a protecting and loving mom. You paid yours the highest compliment.

Anonymous said...

It has become a part of my morning schedule (at work, tee hee)to check in on you. Here's hoping and praying that you will very soon start feeling well.

You are truly blessed to have such a loving Mom. I know most moms are, but yours goes far and beyond the norm. No prejudice here, you see.

Likewise you are equally blessed to have your dad who is giving so unseFISHly.:)

With the quality of care given by your Mom, Kristina, & Dad; and all the prayers and well wishes of so many, I feel certain that your outcome will good. As I have said several times before...Prayer Works!!!

Love and prayers,
Aunt Betty

Anonymous said...

This last waiting part is awful but you can truly say you've been through worse.
Soon it will pass.
Prayers for good news from the Far- East blood test. Aren't you exotic?

I bet your Mom wouldn't have had it any other way. Mom's are special like that. Yes, they are! She left a lovely note on my blog recently. I am still waiting for one from you. Someday?
Hope the nausea goes away soon. Cheers.

iheartchocolate said...

Sorry your mom left. I am glad you had her to care for you as long as you did. You are blessed. I pray you have a speedy recovery and can look forward to good results in April!
Best wishes.

Amy said...

Dave you don't know me but I have known your mom for a few years and spoke with her earlier today. She loves you immensely and wishes so much to be there with you, and since you have been ill, she has given us updates and we have prayed for you many times over. I am so glad that God's work is evident in your life.

Anonymous said...

I love you and miss you. I remain in awe of having you for my son. Mama

Nancy Barber said...

Dave I just know that the test results will be in your favor. I know in my heart that you have beat this thing!!
I know how hard it was on both of you when your mom left.
What a blessing she is and always has been.
Try not to be to hard on "Dear old dad" Just keep him on his toes!!
He's a great dad.
Keep up the good fight. It's all going to be behind you soon.
Love & Hugs...Nancy

WILLIAM said...

I am sure you are in good hands with your dad.

Sending your DNA to Hong Kong? They are going to use it to make clones you know.

El Grande said...

I am sure that your mom misses you, but it is good you Dad is there to help out. Hold on, it may seem like things are standing still, but your body is rebuilding from the inside. Hand in there.

Coming soon to a Chinese restaurant near you: Asian Dave, cloned in the labs of Dr. No off an island in Hong Kong.

doug said...

Glad to hear you're doing better.
We miss you over at

Anonymous said...

Thinking of you Dave!!!! You're in our thoughts and prayers and we miss you terribly! Rooting for your speedy recovery and comfort during the rough days!! :0)
Love, Lorette

Anonymous said...

Hi Dave,

You might remember us. We use to live next door to you in Fairless Hills. Your mom has been keeping us up to date on your progress. We have been praying for you. It sounds like you have been through so much, but you made it through. Just keep visualizing your body healing itself now. The mind is such a powerful thing. Use it to help your body out. I believe your going to beat this. We will keep praying for you. You are so blessed to have such a wonderful mom and dad to help take care of you. They are special people. Keep on Healing.

Krisy and Bret

Nancy Barber said...

Hang in there Dave.......Better days are on the way.
You won the battle now it's time to just rest and let your body heal. I know it's not fast enough but it will happen!!!!!
Love & Hugs ..... Nancy

Anonymous said...

How are you doing, kiddo?