Saturday, January 12, 2008

Chemo #5

OK, I'm moving through chemo #5. I've been sick, as was expected, and it's a drag being in this time. However, I know it'll pass and I'll have some peace before my final chemo.

What I haven't posted yet is some tremendous news.

My very respected surgeon, Dr. Greg Weinstein, met with me on Tuesday and was astonished at the progress and results of my treatment. He kept saying you're doing extremely well, and you're going to be ok. He said most people don't see the great results that I have.


Beyond this, he wants to wait three months from now before making a final decision on lymph node dissection in my neck. He said a PET/CT scan will be taken and if it shows cancer, then we'll cut. Otherwise, no need.

It was a great visit, and even though I felt sick because of the chemo, I was elated.


Nancy Barber said...

Things are really starting to turn around.........BIG TIME!!!!!
Soon you'll be all finished with the treatments and you'll be back to a normal life again.
Dave, I am just so-o-o-o-o happy for you that things are going so well.
Hope that even with the throwing up, you're still able to eat.
Keep up the great progress.
Love & Hugs.Nancy

Anonymous said...

Woo-hoo indeed!

Anonymous said...



WILLIAM said...

Seriously that is some incredible news.

El Grande said...

That is great to hear! Glad to see that all the treatments have had done what they needed to do.