Monday, January 14, 2008

Another ER Visit

Last night I made another trip to the ER to deal with chemo illness. I'd been unable to keep anything down and was puking about 10-12 times repeatedly every time I tubed my Ensure or water. the biggest problem is that this creates a viciious cycle of more puking and malnutrition/dehydration. So, you can't let it go.

All the precautions medically, the new drugs and the doctors strategies have not done what I'd hoped and made chemo more bareable for me. Everyone seems like I am having a particularly rough reaction to the chemo and their usual magic wands like Zofran and others for anti-nausea seem to hold no sway.

I am seriously considering letting Chemo #5 be my last chemo and then using the extra time to recover and get ready for work and life. At this point, I've already exceeded the treatments of other nasopharynx patients that I know and my results are good. Honestly, my body just doesn't seem up for another round and I think it's time to let it heal and regenerate without further abuse. I will talk with my docs, but I am leaning heavily this way as of now.


Anonymous said...

It must be awful if you say so. You've been through so much now.

Anonymous said...

DAVE!!!! Happy New Year!
Just getting caught up on your blog. You sound GREAT! I'm so happy to hear you are doing so well, but not a bit surprised!
You're in my thoughts and prayers!

PS. Have to say that I'm loving the bald head thing...yeah, it's hot! :0)

WILLIAM said...

The name of your blog says it all. Heal Cole. Heal. Heal.

Nancy Barber said...

Dave, I'm so sorry you went to the E.R.
What you're going through is really terrible. I give you so much credit for handeling this as well as you have. You are really amazing!!
As you said, talk with your doctors and see what they think about your last chemo.
I know whatever you decide it will be the right thing.
Hope this finds you feeling somewhat better.
We're all praying for you.
You are one very special guy!!
Love & Hugs.Nancy

Anonymous said...

Are you a bit better today, Dave?

Anonymous said...

Dave, we somehow happened upon your blog. Your words are so human, sincere and inspiring. Your New Year's resolutions of being nicer to those you know, and nicer to those you don't, were so touching. Your fight against cancer must be overwhelming, but please know that your struggle and documentation has made a difference in our lives. We hope that whatever decision you make regarding Chemo, it is for your return to a good life and good health. As you said in one of your blogs, you never realized how much you love life! We send our good thoughts and continuous prayers your way.