Friday, November 9, 2007

Step One: Initial Treatments Done!

OK, so the good news is that I've completed my radiation treatments. No, I do not glow in the dark. The radiation will continue to work on my body for several weeks and gradually, over the next 6 weeks or so, I should begin to recover. I expect I'll be able to eat, something, again in a month or so and I'm excited. Even something as simple as pudding.

Right now, I'm still progressing through the waves of my last chemo treatment as well, so in another week or so, I should be pretty much in the recovery business.

There are two big looming things in my cancer fight now.

1. The tumor on the side of my neck is very small, but has not yet completely disappeared. The radiation, as I noted, will continue to work and there is a real possibility that it will destroy what's left of the tumor. However, there's also the possibility that it will not. This would most likely mean surgery to remove these lymph nodes. This is a very big deal and if you're wondering what specifically to pray for, pray that the radiation destroys this tumor.

2. My second series of chemotherapy treatments begin in about a month. These will be a series of three 96-hour hospital stays where I will have chemo drugs pumped into me around the clock. I'm not thrilled by this prospect, but I'm told this is an extremely effective followup to my iniital treatments. I've seen few people who've gone through it, and my doc explained that few people make it through the initial chemo/rad treatments as well as I can. Very often, the toxicity of the initial treatments is too much to allow patients to pursue this Phase II. So, I guess it's a testimony to my youth and toughness.

So, that's what's ahead. What's going on now? I'm feeling ok'ish. Like I said, battling chemo nausea and the ever-present mucositis. I'm at least well enough to blog, so that says something.

I'm very blessed to have the care of my mom, Kristina, Shelly, my dad, and the well-wishing of so many good people.


Anonymous said...

Prayer noted.

Nancy Barber said...

Hi Dave
So happy, as I know you are, that the radiation is over. You're really tough to be able to go through all that!! You have time to rest up and get your strength back, get the last chemo. treatments over with then full speed ahead with recovery.
Hang in there and know that everyone is praying for you.
You're a winner!!!!!!!!!
Love & Hugs, Nancy

WILLIAM said...

I know you you will make it through this. I will keep on praying

Anonymous said...

I am still praying for you, and checking back on you often!!

Anonymous said...

As Melinda has said "Prayer noted."

Meegs said...

Congrates on making it through the first phase so well. My thoughts and prayers are with you for the rest of your fight.

Yari said...
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Yari said...

I love hearing good news!

El Grande said...

Glad to hear you are recovering from the first round. Good to know about glowing in the dark too. The toughness that carried you through Round 1 will continue to be your ally. We are thinking of you.

Anonymous said...

Praying for you this morning.

wdibert said...

Still here in your corner david and praying for you .ot my sister praying for you too. When this is all over you have to come back to AC to be treated to the buffet by Kyle
God Bless
Uncle Wayne

iheartchocolate said...

So happy to hear from you Dave! I know it's been rough, but I am glad you are through this part of it. I did pray specifically for the tumor to be destroyed. I have no doubt you are in His very capable hands right now.

I hope your recovery is quick. Hope you can enjoy that pudding SOON!!

Nancy Barber said...

Hi Dave
Just letting you know that you're being thought about and prayed for (As always)Remember that every minute of every day you're in everyones thoughts and prayers. Hang in there. Things WILL get better.
Love & Hugs, Nancy